Our goal is to reach $30,000 in donations to fund a Nursery School/ Pre-Kindergarten located in Gambia (West Africa). Our donation thermometer will keep track of our total donations. Please consider donating for this amazing cause by clicking the link below.

Read more information about our funding proposal below.

Olimometer 2.52

Giving them the opportunity they deserve and Keeping them smiling for a brighter future

  1. Proposed Project Description
    1. Project Title: Construction of 3 Classroom School Buildings with Latrines
    2. Project Type: Nursery/ Kindergarten School
    3. Project Component: The proposed project will include the following:
      • Construction of (2EA) 3 classroom school buildings with, 3 Latrines each
      • 1 Borehole
      • Provision of furniture (chairs and tables)
  2. The Project Status:
    The project is proposed for funding from donors
  3. Justification of the Project:
    The right to education as reflected in Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)The Constitution mandates free and compulsory primary education in the Gambia, but a lack of resources and education infrastructure has made implementation difficult. Although, we acknowledge that The Gambia government has made good investments in education, providing public school education for all children through junior high school (Upper Basic), training more qualified teachers and an established curriculum.However, despite all the progress made, The Gambia still has a long way to meet the global standards in education, economic development and sustainability. Its growth is outpacing the infrastructure. Communities suffer from overcrowding, poor sanitation, low wages and high unemployment, which give reasons to many young Gambians to drop out of school and travel abroad through the Backway to seek for education and job opportunities in Europe. Unfortunately, some of them do not survive the journey.
    As literacy, Information Communication Technology (ICT) and education levels increase in the population the demand for better-quality learning environments becomes necessary.
    Currently, there are too many overcrowded classrooms, especially in rural areas, a shortage of school furniture, and learning materials which are hindering the effective delivery of basic education in those areas.During the BDI’s recent visit to the Gambia, our team spoke to Mr. Kebbeh Minteh, the Headmaster of Sika Lower Basic School (SLBS), and Mr. Omar Darboe, Head Teacher at Mala Nursery School they both revealed that some classes in the Nursery and elementary school are held in the evenings and sometimes under the mango trees due to overcrowd classrooms and lack of furniture (Tables and chairs) and learning materials. These are the reasons why BDI wish to seek financial assistance from nonprofit organizations (NGOs), Philanthropist, ordinary Gambians and friends of the Gambia to implement the proposed construction of a three classroom Nursery School with Latrines and additional three classrooms for the Lower Basic School with Latrines to provide quality and equitable basic education for the children.

    1. General Objectives:
      • To provide better educational facilities to students;
      • To improve the quality of education in Niumi Sika;
      • To increase the achievement level of the students/pupils and teachers.
    2. Specific objectives
      • Create learning opportunity for school age children,
      • Increase children’s school enrolment rate, at Sika
      • Decrease the school dropout rate at sika, especially school girls
      • Promote a higher literary rate
      • Empower the community through education and minimize gender disparity in the stipulation of basic education, by working on affirmative action with the community.
      • Build the spirit of community service and good citizenship among future generations.
      • Promote Personal Integrity, Multi-cultural awareness and tolerance through education
    3. National Objectives:
      The project is consistent with the national goals of providing quality basic education that is equitably accessible to all, as enshrined in the 1997 Constitution of the Republic of The Gambia, Chapter IV. Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms “All persons shall have the right to equal educational opportunities and facilities and with a view to achieving the full realization of that right”

      1. Basic education shall be free, compulsory and available to all.
  4. Project Benefits
    The Project will directly benefit all the pupils/ students at Sika (LBS) and Mala Nursery School. It will also benefit the school teachers to work efficiently and motivate them to work harder for grater achievements.

    Social Benefits
    The construction, of two school buildings will increase the learning performance levels of students and pupils. This will ultimately, along with other factors such as the effective educational system, a presence of competent teachers, and the availability of appropriate learning materials, will increase the literacy rate of students who can contribute to the socio-economic development of society.The project will help in curving down school drop-outs and provide opportunities for out-of-school youths to attend evening classes to build a solid foundation and continue learning.New school buildings will also provide better working environment for teachers, making them more effective in teaching their students.

  5. Project Management:
    BDI Gambia will   manage and coordinate the entire project. This will be done by hiring an experienced local construction manager to supervise the construction crew along with other stakeholders at the Ministry of Education (MoBSE), who will be responsible for the implementation of the project.The project coordinators will be reporting to our office in the U.S, where a centrally compiled report would be sent to donors and stakeholders by the program manager of Big Dreams Incorporated.
  6. Monitoring and Evaluation:
    A variety of formal and informal Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms will be central to ensuring the appropriate delivery of effective and sustainable services. These will include: Multi Indicator Cluster Surveys, class performance surveys, class attendance data, girl-boy retention data and exit surveys.
  7. Project Funding and sustainability:
    BDI will continue to work with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) and other stake holder to build on this capacity while also working closely with the local Sika Development Fund (SDF) and international development partners working on educational programs in the Gambia. BDI will develop a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Education, which will clarify each partner’s roles and responsibilities both short and long term.The organization will also work with residents of Sika to develop the capacity of individuals to play an active role in governance and delivery of education in the schools. Parents Teachers Association (PTA) will be formed to ensure the school’s future sustainability. The BDI annual sustainability assessment will be used to review the capacity of both ministry of education, people of Sika to support the school after the donor phase

    1. Funds Needed
      Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00)
    2. Funding Source
      • Big Dreams Incorporated will donate $3000.00 (10%)
      • Local and Foreign Funding/Donor Agencies
      • Internally generated fund from Sika I.e. school farm / Garden
      • Government support
      • Cooperate Sponsorships
      • NGOs
      • Philanthropist
      • Online Fundraising and in-kind Donations

Sika Village Project Location
Nearby villages where people live and work and may benefit from this development

Legal Statement 501c3
BDI is a Registered 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Thank you for your support